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About Me

This page is all about me where i will big maself up once and once only cus i don't have a big head n i don't want people thinking i am up ma own arse lol

Well i'm Flex i'm 18 which most of you won't believe cus most of you think i'm 15 but yes i am 18.
Most of you should know what i look like but anyway i av brown hair, blue eyes, quite short and fat but i dont let that get in the way of doing what i love.
My Bro (Trix) is 13 also has brown hair and blue eyes but unlike me is tall n very skinny. He is wikkid at everything he does and he's gonna go far.

Me da shining light

Well i live in Mickleover in Derby, i went to Silverhill primary school, then John Port Secondry in Etwall, i then went to Burton College for 2 years they were wikkid days despite the hard work i was on a health care course and i wanna be a paramedic but i av thort about joinin da fire brigade or police so i'm nt really sure yet.
I have done loads of stuff in ma 18 years ive done gymnastics, dancin, actin (pantomine jack and the beanstalk lol) and know i am busy doing singing, running, helpin at the local guide group trainin to be a leader and martial arts.
Martial arts is my true calling i enjoy it and i was naturally good at it.
Me and Trix are coming up to taking our Black belts very soon and we will be performing in another demonstration which are always amazing and this will be something like our 9th so we are looking forward to it.
Trix is currently at John Port and i know he loves acting and Martial arts and he is great at both of them so good luck to him in the future..

Me Kicking
It will be vertical soon!!

Martial arts

Martial arts is the best thing since sliced bread.
I'd recommend it to anyone
Its an amazing sport with loads of ways to better yourself and some amazing people to train with.
And it not all guys that do it, loads of girls train and kick ass lol. No seriously its amazing when guys can train along side women and not be bothered about it. When your in class everyone feels the energy and there is friendly competion but everyone is mates with everyone no one is really left out and its a great feeling.
I'm part of the Jon Jepsons Black Belt Martial Arts Academy under the instruction of Master Paul Mansfield and his team Fletch and Sab.
Big up to the crew : MANDY, SANDY, AMY, PAUL, EMRYS (whos gone n left us), DAZ(who went aswell), RAV, PETE, SAB, FLETCH, RYAN (Mr XMA) N ANYONE ELSE WHO TRAINS THER N I FORGOT!!
Black belt grading in November so moment of truth for: ME, TRIX, AMY AND ALL DA REST OF YA GOOD LUCK EVERYONE XX
Sparring competion in november : LETS GO SHOW EM WHAT WE ARE MADE OF N KICK SUM ASS
Centerparcs Trip : HAS BEEN CANCELLED


Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Nethin with jackie chan in it or bruce lee or any martial arts films really n nethin funny

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:
Anything i can dance to or do karate to cus thats all i constantly do really i do like RnB, Sum Dance n nethin that puts me in a good mood really